Redefining The Image

Tori Elayne
2 min readJan 16, 2021


John Szarkowski’s Five Categories

In The Photographer’s Eye, John Szarkowski proposes five categories to view photographs:

“The thing itself — photography deals with the actual.

The detail — photography is tied to the facts of things.

The frame — the photograph is selected, not conceived.

Time — photographs are time exposures and describe discrete parcels of time.

Vantage point — photographs provide us new views of the world.”

A Photograph Without A Camera

For my “photograph” I decided I wanted to represent and explore the concept of time. One thing I thought of that changes with time is bleach. Spill a little on your favorite shirt and in a few minutes you’ll soon have nice light stain. So I decided to take one of my shirts that had already fallen victim to some harsh chemicals, sprayed and splattered it with more bleach and let time take its course. After a while the bleach began to develop, spots started to lighten and I was left with a new and improved version of the shirt.

the original bleach stain
Final Product (Before washing)

Thanks for Reading — Tori



Tori Elayne

design student, learner, creative thinker